Pallet Racking Maintenance

Pallet Racking Maintenance

It is important to maintain your pallet racking to ensure you can use it to its full lifespan, assure safety for your employees and inventory, and pass inspections. By properly maintaining your pallet racking, you can address problems quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. But how do you maintain your pallet racking? Simply Rack is here to guide you through the pallet racking maintenance process.

A wall of industrial pallet shelving. Cleanliness

Keeping your pallet racking clean will make sure it is free from debris that can cause corrosion over time. First, it is important to remove the inventory from the racks. After that, the simplest way to clean your pallet rack is by dusting and scrubbing with a cleaning solution. Make sure it is rinsed and completely dried before restocking your inventory to prevent accidents and injury! Regular inspections can help you determine how often you need to clean your pallet racks. Scheduling regular cleaning based on this information is the best way to stay up-to-date on your cleaning practices.

Proper Usage

Properly using your pallet racking will help ensure it is properly maintained. Each pallet rack does have a load capacity. Overloading your pallet racks can cause severe damage that may result in injury to employees or inventory. It will also prevent frequent repairs, which can be costly. Also, it is important to properly train employees on how to load and unload your pallet rack to evenly distribute the weight and prevent straining the rack.

There are safety additions for pallet racks that can help protect your rack. Column guards and end-of-aisle protectors help prevent damage from forklift collisions. Proper forklift usage and training can help prevent collisions, however completely eliminating them is impossible. The proper precautions will protect your pallet rack, your inventory, and your employees.

Regular Inspections and Repairs 

You should conduct routine inspections yourself to catch any visual damage. However, it is important to have professionals periodically inspect your equipment. They have the knowledge and expertise to confirm the structural integrity of the racks while identifying more potential hazards. If damage is found during any of these inspections, action must be taken, the quicker the better. Repairing your pallet racks in a timely manner will help prevent further damage which may be more costly, damaging, or hazardous to your employees. 

Understanding how to properly maintain your pallet rack will empower you to take informed action to protect your racks and employees. If you keep your pallet racks in good condition,  you can minimize the risks associated with owning racks while maximizing your warehouse efficiency. Call Simply Rack at (512) 869-2803  or contact us for questions about your racking needs.

The Most Popular Types of Warehouse Racking

The Most Popular Types of Warehouse Racking

Pallet racking is a fundamental component to modern warehouse storage. There are many types of racking systems for you to choose from, but there are a few that stand out among the rest. These systems are customizable, safe, effective, and caters to a wide array of businesses. Here are the most popular types warehouse racking, and why they’ve earned that title.

Forklifts and Drive In Racks

Teardrop Pallet Racking

Teardrop pallet racking is Simply Rack’s most popular warehouse storage system. It is universally renowned for its versatility, durability, and ease of installation. The teardrop-shaped holes that the system is named after ensures safety by easily locking beams into place. Teardrop pallet racking is widely used in warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities as it maximizes space and efficiency while being cost-effective.

Teardrop pallet racking’s popularity stems from its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with a wide range of accessories such as column protectors. It is very adaptable to different configurations to meet your warehouse needs, and it allows forklifts to easily access each pallet rack. With teardrop pallet racking you can adjust the beam heights to accommodate various pallet sizes. This makes diverse inventories easily accommodated for. Teardrop pallet racking is a very popular type of warehouse racking with all of the features to support it. Check out our teardrop racking options to see if this system is right for you!

Drive-In Racking

The drive-in racking system is designed to optimize warehouse space while accommodating a large volume of homogeneous products. In these systems, pallets are loaded and removed from racks in the same aisle. This removes the need for multiple isles, maximizing the available space. In drive-in systems, pallets are stored on rails running across the length of the rack. Forklifts drive into the structure to deposit or retrieve pallets. 

Drive-in racking is a popular option for industries dealing with large quantities of identical products. Businesses benefit most when the order of storage and retrieval is not critical, such as cold storage facilities, but can be adjusted for First In, First Out and Last In, First Out systems. With this level of customization options and storage space optimization, it is easy to understand why drive-in racking is a popular choice for Simply Rack customers.

Push-back Pallet Racking

Push back racking is highly favored as a warehouse storage system, renowned for its exceptional efficiency and ease of assembly. this system features rails and nested carts influenced by gravity. The push back mechanism enables loading and retrieval of pallets from the same aisle. This results in a Last In, First Out system.

This innovative approach guarantees seamless inventory rotation and retrieval, making push back racking a top choice for warehouses with diverse requirements and high turnover rates. Despite its simplicity, push back racking offers efficiency and reliability. It is a preferred option for warehouse managers aiming to maximize vertical storage space without sacrificing functionality. 

Which one is right for you?

The answer to this question heavily depends on your available space and the items you are storing. For example, if you need a First In, First Out system, then drive-in racking is the most appropriate option. This pallet racking system guide walks you through the different types of warehouse storage to help you decide which one is right for you. Contact us today and we can help you in your warehouse storage journey!

Which Pallet Racking System is the Right Choice for Your Inventory?

Which Pallet Racking System is the Right Choice for Your Inventory?

Choosing the appropriate pallet racking system is a decision that directly influences the efficiency, accessibility, and organization of your inventory. The diverse array of pallet racking systems available can be overwhelming. Each one benefits the unique needs and inventory characteristics of different businesses. From the space-maximizing capabilities of drive-in racking to the accessibility of selective racking, each design has its own perks. Here at Simply Rack, we help guide you towards making an informed decision for your particular business needs. Forklifts and Drive In Racks

Selective Pallet Racking

Selective pallet racking offers a straightforward approach to organizing goods. This system directly accesses each pallet stored in the rack. Vertical upright frames connected by horizontal beams create the structure. These form shelves to easily load and unload using forklifts. This system enables businesses to maximize their storage space while ensuring quick and convenient access to individual pallets. It is an ideal choice for environments where a diverse range of products are frequently loaded and unloaded, offering a seamless flow of goods within the warehouse.

Selective pallet racking is advantageous for businesses dealing with a high variety of products and a relatively low to medium volume of each SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). This system excels in accommodating different product sizes of varying weights and dimensions. Industries such as retail, e-commerce, and manufacturing find selective pallet racking well-suited for their needs. First In, First Out (FIFO) inventory management systems, where the earliest stocked products are the first to be retrieved, often use this system. FIFO is crucial for items with expiration dates or those subject to regular turnover.

Drive-In and Drive-Through Racking

Drive-in and drive-through racking systems are designed to optimize warehouse space while accommodating a large volume of homogeneous products. In these systems, forklifts can directly enter the rack structure to deposit or retrieve pallets. This eliminates the need for aisles between racks. In drive-in systems, pallets are stored on rails running from the front to the back of the rack. Forklifts drive into the structure to deposit or retrieve pallets. Drive-through systems, on the other hand, have openings at both ends of the rack. Forklifts drive through the structure, providing a continuous flow of accessibility.

Drive-in and drive-through racking pair well with industries dealing with large quantities of identical products. This is especially true when the order of storage and retrieval is not critical. Such businesses include cold storage facilities and manufacturing plants with consistent product lines. Businesses dealing with raw materials or finished goods in large batches also utilize the efficiency of these racking systems. They are ideal choices for businesses with high-volume storage requirements.

Push-Back Racking

Push-back racking maximizes both space and accessibility in a warehouse setting. It positions multiple pallets one behind the other on slightly inclined nested carts, making it ideal for high-density storage. The new pallet pushes the existing pallets backward along the rails. This LIFO (Last In, First Out) configuration allows for efficient use of depth space. It balances high storage density with the ability to access multiple SKUs without having to move other pallets.

Push-back racking excels in warehouse environments where storage space is limited and efficient use of cubic space is essential. Businesses often find push-back racking beneficial for high-density storage that require access to a variety of products. It is not an ideal solution for businesses with products that expire quickly, as the LIFO configuration cannot ensure freshness of products.

Pallet Flow Racking

Pallet flow racking, also known as gravity flow racking, is a highly efficient storage solution designed to optimize space. It works well with First In, First Out (FIFO) inventory management systems. This system operates on the principle of gravity, putting pallets on wheel tracks. Pallets loaded onto the higher end of the rack move along the tracks, with the help of gravity, towards the picking end. The oldest product sits in the front position. This product rotation minimizes the risk of product expiration. In short, it functions as the push-back racking for FIFO management instead of LIFO.

This design makes pallet flow racking pair well with inventories that have expiration dates and that utilize the FIFO inventory management system. Industries dealing with perishable goods, such as food and pharmaceuticals, find this feature beneficial. Additionally, pallet flow racking is ideal for high-density storage scenarios where space optimization and efficient space usage are crucial. By combining the advantages of gravity-based flow with systematic inventory rotation, pallet flow racking provides a solution that enhances both product freshness and warehouse operational efficiency.

Cantilever Racking

Cantilever racking is an efficient storage solution for items with unconventional shapes, lengths, and dimensions. Unlike traditional pallet racking systems, cantilever racks lack front columns, allowing for unobstructed horizontal storage space. The design consists of vertical columns with horizontal arms extending outward, creating a cantilevered structure. This configuration enables easy storage and access to items that do not fit efficiently into standard pallet racking systems.

The versatility of cantilever racking makes it an excellent choice for industries dealing with non-standardized inventory, particularly in construction, manufacturing, and retail. It’s the best system for storing long and heavy materials that would be challenging to manage with other storage systems. The horizontal arms have adjustable levels, accommodating items of varying sizes within the same rack. This adaptability makes cantilever racking ideal for businesses with oversized or irregularly shaped products, contributing to streamlined warehouse operations and effective inventory management.

Mezzanine Racking

Mezzanine racking offers a unique and versatile solution for businesses aiming to maximize vertical space in their warehouse or distribution center. This system combines traditional pallet racking with an elevated mezzanine platform, effectively creating a multi-level storage structure. The mezzanine, which is essentially an intermediate floor, provides additional space for storage. It creates a two-tiered or even multi-tiered storage system within the existing warehouse footprint.

One of the key advantages of mezzanine racking is its ability to make efficient use of available vertical space without the need for extensive building expansions. This type of racking system is particularly beneficial for businesses dealing with a mix of large and small items. It allows for the segregation of inventory based on size, weight, or product type. Lower levels can house pallet racking, while the mezzanine level provides space for bulk storage, order picking, or office space. Industries such as e-commerce, retail, and logistics often find mezzanine racking beneficial for its flexibility and adaptability.

Teardrop Pallet Racking

Last but certainly not least, teardrop pallet racking is Simply Rack’s most popular pallet racking system. It is a storage solution known for its universal efficiency and ease of assembly. Characterized by the teardrop-shaped holes on the upright frames, this system allows for quick and straightforward beam installation without the need for additional hardware. The teardrop easily locks beams in place, providing a secure and stable storage structure that our customers rely on. Teardrop pallet racking allows for the adjustment of beam heights to accommodate various pallet sizes, making it an excellent choice for businesses with diverse inventory profiles.

This racking system is particularly suitable for industries with evolving storage needs, as it provides a scalable solution that can be reconfigured as inventory requirements change. Spaces where being able to easily modify storage configurations is essential often use teardrop pallet racking. Its popularity stems from its user-friendly design, durability, and compatibility with a range of pallet types. It is a reliable choice for optimizing storage space and enhancing overall warehouse functionality.

In conclusion, finding the right pallet racking system is a decision that impacts the efficiency and functionality of your warehouse. Each system brings its own set of advantages, so it’s crucial to understand how each one would impact your business. Understand the unique needs of your inventory, considering factors such as product variety, turnover rates, and space constraints, to make an informed decision. Call Simply Rack at (512) 869-2803 for questions about your racking needs!

Optimizing Warehouse Efficiency with Pallet Racks

Optimizing Warehouse Efficiency with Pallet Racks

Efficient warehouse management is at the core of a successful supply chain. Pallet racks, versatile and fundamental components of warehousing, play a crucial role in achieving optimal efficiency. Here at Simply Rack we can help you optimize your warehouse. We’ll explore the key strategies for leveraging pallet racks to enhance warehouse productivity, organization, and overall efficiency. Layout, design, accessibility, and safety are some of the many factors to consider when deciding how to best optimize your warehouse space. pallet racking beams

Strategic Layout and Design

The foundation of a highly efficient warehouse lies in its layout and design. When it comes to pallet racks these are some of the items you will want to consider.

Logical Flow: Design the layout to follow a logical flow from receiving to shipping. This reduces travel time for goods and minimizes congestion.

Space Utilization: Optimize vertical space by choosing the right height for your pallet racks. High ceilings can be utilized with taller racks, maximizing storage capacity without expanding the footprint. Teardrop racking enables optimal utilization of vertical space, empowering you to stack pallets vertically and make efficient use of your warehouse’s height. This vertical storage approach not only conserves valuable floor space but also significantly augments your overall storage capacity.

Aisles and Accessibility: Choose between narrow, wide, or very narrow aisles based on your forklift and handling equipment. Ensure that racks are easily accessible for efficient loading and unloading.


Selective Pallet Racking for Accessibility

Selective pallet racks are indispensable. Offering direct access to each pallet, they stand as an ideal choice for facilities housing a diverse array of products. This design promotes effortless retrieval of individual pallets, significantly boosting efficiency in handling various SKUs.. If you need quick access selective pallet racking allows for direct access to each pallet, making it ideal for fast-moving goods. Place high-demand items at ground level for easy access. Regularly rotate stock to prevent older items from getting lost or damaged. This ensures that inventory stays fresh and reduces the risk of obsolescence.

High-Density Storage Systems

Unlike traditional racking systems, high-density options like drive-in and push-back racks optimize storage by reducing aisle space and capitalizing on vertical room. These systems allow for the compact storage of pallets, making them ideal for warehouses with a large volume of goods and limited square footage. If you need to maximize storage these types of systems are for you. 

Implement the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle in high-density systems to ensure that older inventory is used first, reducing the risk of product spoilage or obsolescence. If you want to maximize storage density and do not need to have immediate access then drive-in pallet racks excel. By eliminating aisles, they optimize storage density, proving ideal for scenarios involving a substantial quantity of the same product with minimal turnover. This design is notably effective, especially in applications such as cold storage.

Inventory Management

In the realm of inventory management and pallet racking, the First In, First Out (FIFO) system is a methodology designed to ensure the rotation and usage of goods in the order they were received. This system is particularly crucial for products with expiration dates or those susceptible to obsolescence. In FIFO systems, newer stock is placed behind or below existing stock, and picking occurs from the front or the top. This approach minimizes the risk of product spoilage or outdated inventory, making it an ideal choice for industries where product freshness is paramount, such as in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. FIFO ensures that older inventory is utilized before newer stock, contributing to optimal inventory turnover. Pallet flow racks operate on the principle of first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory management and should be used to optimize your warehouse storage if you are storing these types of products.

Specialized Racking for Specific Products

If your warehouse stores specific products like long or irregular shaped items like lumber or pipes then you may want to consider using cantilever racks in order to optimize warehouse efficiency.

Pallet racks are not just storage solutions; they are integral components in the optimization of warehouse efficiency. By strategically designing layouts and selecting the right types of racks warehouses can achieve significant improvements in productivity and overall efficiency. As the backbone of an organized and streamlined warehouse, pallet racks contribute to the smooth functioning of the supply chain, ensuring timely deliveries and customer satisfaction. Simply Rack can help you choose the pallet rack that is the right choice for you and your business to optimize warehouse efficiency. Our selection of warehouse storage equipment is kept in stock at our Central Texas location, easily accessible from anywhere along the I-35 corridor from Oklahoma City, Austin, Dallas, Houston and  San Antonio. selection of warehouse storage equipment is kept in stock at our Central Texas location, easily accessible from anywhere along the I-35 corridor from Oklahoma City, Austin, Dallas, Houston and  San Antonio. 

Racking Beams: Types and Characteristics

Racking Beams: Types and Characteristics

Racking systems are the backbone of efficient warehousing and storage facilities, and racking beams play a pivotal role in this infrastructure. They provide support for pallets, boxes, and various types of goods, ensuring that your inventory is stored securely and can be accessed with ease. We will explore the different types of racking beams and their characteristics to help you make informed decisions when setting up or optimizing your warehouse storage.

Types of Racking Beams

There are many factors to consider when choosing racking beams including load capacity, length, compatibility, durability, adjustability, safety features, and cost. 

1. Step Beams

Step beams, also known as box beams or box step beams, are the most common type of racking beams. They feature a rectangular cross-section, with a step or ledge on the top surface. This step allows for easy placement of pallets and provides extra stability by preventing them from sliding off.


  • Versatile and widely used.
  • Suitable for a variety of pallet types and sizes including Teardrop racking systems 
  • Easy to install and adjust.
  • Can handle significant weight capacities.

2. Structural Beams

Structural beams are designed for heavy-duty applications and are often used in high-density storage systems. Unlike step beams, structural beams have a closed, tubular shape, which enhances their load-bearing capacity and resistance to deflection.


3. Wire Mesh Decking

While not technically beams, wire mesh decking is an important component of pallet racking systems. They are wire grids that sit on top of the beams, creating a solid surface for non-palletized items or cartons.


  • Provides additional safety by preventing items from falling through.
  • Ideal for storing cartons, boxes, and items with irregular shapes.
  • Many teardrop pallet racking systems incorporate wire mesh decking on top of step beams.
  • Increases visibility and allows for better fire sprinkler penetration.

4. Box Beams

Box beams, as the name suggests, have a hollow, box-like cross-section. They combine the advantages of both step beams and structural beams, offering good load-bearing capacity with the convenience of step beams.


  • Suitable for a range of load capacities.
  • Compatible with various pallet sizes.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.

Racking beams are essential components of any efficient warehousing and storage system. Choosing the right type of beam and considering their key characteristics is crucial for optimizing your warehouse space, ensuring safety, and maximizing productivity. Whether you opt for step beams, structural beams, box beams, or wire mesh decking, selecting the appropriate racking beams tailored to your specific needs is a critical step towards a well-organized and functional warehouse. For all your pallet racking needs, reach out to Simply Rack today! Whether you’re looking for expert guidance, tailored solutions, or Quick Ship convenience, we’re here to help. Contact us now at 844-722-7225 or visit our location at 8560 North IH 35 Service Road, Georgetown, TX 78626, United States. Your optimized warehouse storage journey starts here with Simply Rack.